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Saturday, 24 November 2012

External IP and Internal IP

Sorry guys..i was too bsy with ma jst cant concentrate on my blog.....but from now on i hope it will work regularly.....ok lets move into todays topic There are a couple of concepts you need to know before you can understand port forwarding. I'm going to make a couple broad statements that are almost always true. For simplicity lets assume they are true for now. 1.) Every device on the internet has at least one ip address. ...

Friday, 27 July 2012

'Innobuzz' CISE DLP - Honest Review by Cyber Hoodies

Hello Friends,  Today is about an exciting post.... yeah, that's 'Innobuzz', the largest and prestigious institute of Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security studies in India. You might have heard about this institute many times before but still some of you may not know how imperative it is for you if you are in ethical hacking field. I know many of you can "HACK". But you must agree that 'Hacking' cannot be taught. It's comes from within,...

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

The Truth behind Facebook Hacking Software “007 facebook hack v1.0″

Are you looking for this software called “007 facebook hack v1.0″ also known as “James bond’s facebook hack” that can hack your friends facebook password in minutes? If yes then you are at the right place. According to this Software, you just need to input your friends profile id and the email id he has used on his facebook profile. Once you feed these two things to this software, it will automatically reveal the password of your Friend..quite...

Friday, 6 April 2012

Server Rooting

Server Rooting Hello Buddies .. its a long time since i've posted a nice post sorry guys i was busy with my 12th board exams.just pray 4 me guyss! Ok let's move into our topic:- Today,I will show you -" How To Gain Root Privileges In Linux Server." But, let me tell you what is Server Rootin...