Cyber Hoodies on Facebook

Find us on Facebook,please like the page and don't forget to follow....

Top methods on how hackers can hack facebook accounts in 2012.

Facebook is one of the most widely used social networking site with more than 750 million users, as a reason if which it has become the number 1 target of hackers.....

23 ways to speed Windows XP not only Defrag

Since defragging the disk won't do much to improve Windows XP performance, here are 23 suggestions that will enhance the performance and reliability of your PCs.....

How Antivirus Software Works

Due to ever increasing threat from virus and other malicious programs, almost every computer today comes with a pre-installed antivirus software on it, so its essential for you to understand the working of antivirus.....

Who is a hacker ........!

To reduce the hardness of reading, i've uploaded two videos regarding who the hacker is just watch this.....

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Evolution and Future of Personal Computing

Let’s talk about last two decades in terms of evolution of personal computing.

1991-2000: Some major hardware developments occurred, which made the dream of personal computing come true. Software giants like Microsoft, Apple, Google, etc evolved and took over the IBM-dominant market. Desktops started making their way into offices and eventually, homes.
2001-2010: The starting of decade was taken over by Microsoft operating system, Windows XP. It spread like a fire, used in most offices, homes, business etc.                                                           Apple developed some products like iMac, MacBook, which had its different customer base, not as vast as Microsoft. But the end brought increment in the number of Mac users. 
On the hardware end, a vast change could be seen throughout. Huge, bulky desktops started shrinking and soon laptops became the first choice of home users. Apple, always known for its innovations, took the world by surprise on its launch of MacBook air. It was the thinnest laptop on the planet and was ultra portable. By the end, apple again came with the one of the biggest innovations of the decade, which might change computing forever. It was its tablet PC, iPad. Soon, many companies started launching their own android tablets, but still the iPad dominates the tablet market, mainly because it’s smooth, fluid interface and its large iOS app base. Microsoft, revealed its plans and preview of Windows 8, which was optimized both for tablet use and desktop/laptop use.

Monday, 19 December 2011

Aakash tablet PC- specs and review

All of us are very well aware of India's cheapest tablet PC launched. They named it Aakash. Indian govt. promised last year to invent a cheapest tablet PC, so that every student can get to know know what is a tablet and how it works. Now govt. kept their promise and Aakash is in market. Anyone can purchase it online by visiting it's official website just for Rs. 2500/- 

Here i am presenting secifications and review of this tablet PC. 

Saturday, 17 December 2011

Protect Your Facebook, Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo Accounts From Hackers Using Zemana Antilogger

Today I am writing article on "How To Protect Your Computer, Facebook, G mail, Hotmail, Yahoo Accounts From Hackers Using Zemana Anti logger". Zemana anti logger is a powerful way to protect your PC from malware, remote key loggers and spyware programs that are widely spread all over the Internet. Zemana Anti logger is the No.1 privacy software that can protect your computer by blocking all the known and unknown Internet threats.

Unlike most antivirus softwares, Zemana antilogger does not rely on the signature based and file scanning approach. Rather it makes use of a unique technology to detect and shut down the malware and spyware programs just before it can steal your identity or hurt your computer. Zemana AntiLogger eliminates threats from keyloggers, SSL banker trojans, spyware, and more..

Create A Hidden User Account in Windows 7 and xp

  • For your own privacy purposes or say it for security reasons you can Create A Hidden User Account under windows xp/7 operating system. 
  • This tweak will easily allow you an account that is normally displayed on the Welcome screen to be hidden from view. To log on using that hidden account it is necessary to use the Log On To Windows dialog box similar to the one that in Windows 2000.
 1. [Start] [Run] [Regedit]
2. Registry Key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \SOFTWARE\ Microsoft\ WindowsNT\ CurrentVersion\ Winlogon\ SpecialAccounts\ UserList

3. Modify/Create the Value Data Type(s) and Value Name(s) as detailed below.

4. Data Type: REG_DWORD [Dword Value] // Value Name: Type Name of Account to be Hidden

5. Setting for Value Data: [0 = Account is Hidden / 1 = Enabled]

6. Exit Registry and Reboot...

While the account is hidden on the Welcome screen, note that the account profile will be visible in C:\Documents and Settings or wherever user profiles are stored as well as in Local Users and Groups.

Wednesday, 30 November 2011


As we had discussed about How to find a vulnerable Website? and Basic information of website hacking in my previous two article on wildhacker. Today i am writing this Part3 article on "Basic XSS Tutorial For Website Hacking".

Today in this article, I am going to teach you how to hack website using XSS. In this article i have shared Cookie Catcher page, which is used for catching cookies.

If you have not read part 1 and part 2, I strongly recommend you read both my articles for learning more about Website Hacking....

Basic Information About Website Hacking Part 1

How to find a vulnerable Website?? Part 2

Website Hacking : How to find a vulnerable Website?? Part 2

website hackingAs we had discussed about basic information of website hacking in my last article on wildhacker. Today i am writing article on "How to find a vulnerable Website using Dork???" Now a days Website Hacking has become a tradition or fun to create problems for other people. Hackers are searching for finding the holes in the websites having high page ranks and traffic.

Today in this article, I am going to teach you how to find website vulnerablility using Dork. Here i have shared some Dorks which you can use to fine vulnerable Website through google.
  If you have not read part 1 I strongly recommend you do:  
Basic Information About Website Hacking Part1

Hack Website : Basic Information About Website Hacking Part 1

Well I have posted lots of articles on Email Hacking which includes Phishing and keylogging etc, but today I would like to throw some light on new topic which is "Website Hacking". Today i am first time writing article on "Website Hacking". why I am writing this article as there are lots of newbies having lots of misconceptions related hacking website, So I hope this tutorial cover all those misconception and if not all most of them.

Website security is a major problem today and should be a priority in any organization or a webmaster, Now a days Hackers are concentrating alot of their efforts to find holes in a web application, If you are a website owner and having a High Page rank and High Traffic then there is a chance that you might be a victim of these Hackers.

Few years back their existed no proper tools search for vulnerability, but now a days there are tons of tools available such as SQL Injection through which even a newbie can find a vulnerable site and start Hacking in just few minutes.

Monday, 14 November 2011

How To Create Fake Facebook Conversations

Wanna to make make own funny and cool facebook conversation and have fun ? In this post I’ll show you how to use web service for creating fake facebook conversation.
1) Go to
2) Click on create a new convo

10 Best Yahoo! Messenger Tricks and Hacks

Yahoo! Messenger is an instant messaging program which is compatible with all Windows versions. While instant messaging is the focus of Yahoo! Messenger, there are several special tricks that can enhance the user experience.

Here are my 10 Best Yahoo! Messenger Tricks and Hacks:

Two biggest TRUTHS about hacking Facebook,Gmail,Yahoo,Hotmail etc

Hello friends . I am writing this post just to bring about a general point of view in-front of my readers .
Every now and then I get mails and chats from different people who ask me to hack a facebook account or google account ,hotmail , yahoo etc . Its very annoying why people ask the same question again and again .

So I thought to write a post over it . Maybe you are reading this article because you searched on google "how to hack Gmail and facebook" or somthing similar to it .
So what you do is that you go to google and make respective search and you get lots of results -